Kind Words

Leah Chimirri
“I went along to Jayne’s circle in physical pain and heavy and left lighter and feeling more alive and authentically myself. Jayne is a wonderful space holder and really honors the circle providing a safe space to be seen, heard and witnessed. I really look forward to spending more time in circle together.”
Caroline Diziol - Psychologist
I felt that something was missing in my motherhood and I didn’t find ways how to introduce it myself into my life.
Jayne created a safe, warm, non-jugdmental and welcoming space right from the start for me where I felt held, protected and seen. She is calm, caring and trustworthy. She asked me helpful questions, reflected her own thoughts back to me when appropriate and thus enabled me to move forward with my topics. She also guided me gently how to lean into my body feelings.
It felt like she walked beside me so that I could look at my own life with curiosity. I could also tap into deep feelings without being afraid of them. Jayne helped me to get deeply felt insights.
After a short time I could already introduce wonderful changes in my everyday life. My life feels lighter, I feel stronger and empowered at the same time. I also found many beautiful and powerful pictures within me with her help that will help me navigate further through my life as a mum.
Thanks so much! I look forward to be coached from you again!
月影 - 華德福幼兒老師

Mother Nature Circle 這個空間和卡牌形式可以讓作為母親的我和其他母親和準母親能夠感受到母親這個身份的存在,所有的存在都成就一個神聖的生命。我相信在Mother Circle中彼此的分享,從信任和相互的關係中,會給予我更大的力量和勇氣,願意面對自己的過去、現在與未來!母親的偉大是宇宙給予的禮物,然而母親的成長(Circle中的傾聽與分享)將會是一份回饋,為世界創造豐盛!

我參加Mother Nature circle後,會重新愛上自己,關懷自己的內在小孩,也從傾聽其他母親的經歷和感受中,深深地感受到彼此的尊重和包容,支持和保護,放下擔憂和恐懼,再次擁抱自己和身邊的一切美好!一切都在時間的流動中體驗,舒適和平安,創造著媽媽們生命的力量。